Saturday, August 16, 2008

Melting Jell-O

So, I had someone remind me that I haven't blogged for a while. And I need to update. Update: we're all doing REALLY well! There is a heat wave right now and I'm melting. We're melting! ARGH! No AC and it has been over 100 for the past few days. That means my brain is off and I'm not too creative right now in my post. There you go! I think we're all becoming melted Jell-O.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I figured that I needed an outlet to start jotting down the 'little' things in life that make it what it is. As well as tap into that tec savvy person that is inside screaming to get out. PLUS, the writing bug is getting at me again and I need to flex my mind beyond the "Salem/Keizer Approved High Frequency Reading and Word List". But, the reality is...I'm getting older, forgetting lots of things and thought that since I'm on the computer enough during the day...I can at least be doing somekind of event/journal keeping...RIGHT?? So, here it is, to one and all...I've officially become a blogger. I've been able to keep in touch with old roommates from times past and really enjoy what they say and, Krista, you inspired me!

Just to let you know, 'jems' is an acronym (haha!! acronym IS NOT a high frequency word!! yea for me!! first task accomplished!!) for "J-ustin, E-lizabeth, M-ikaela, S-ean" and since they are what gives me the greatest is to them I dedicate this blog!